Loews Royal Pacific Resort at Universal Orlando Resort

2022 年 03 月 21 日 7:00 上午 - 2022 年 03 月 23 日 5:00 下午

6300 Hollywood Way, Orlando, FL 32819

Medical Affairs and Scientific Communications Forum

DIA Your Way! Join us live in-person or live from the comfort of your home/office. This event offers two learning avenues depending on your preference!

Session 6 Track 2: Publications Trends and Best Practices

Session Chair(s)

Jennie G Jacobson, PhD

Jennie G Jacobson, PhD


Jacobson Medical Writing, Inc., United States

The scientific publications field is always advancing. This session will describe new trends from ongoing ISMPPGood Publication Practice and authorship selection and provide tips for use of expanded digital content to enhance publications. Best practices for addressing challenges in publications will be discussed.

Learning Objective : At the conclusion of this session, participants should be able to:
  • Discuss new publication trends from ongoing ISMPP initiatives
  • Identify key concepts of substantial contribution and authorship
  • Design effective digital content and social media posts to enhance publications


Lisa  DeTora, PhD, MS

Thinking About Good Publication Practice

Lisa DeTora, PhD, MS

Hofstra University, United States

Associate Professor, Director of STEM Writing

Meera  Kodukulla, PhD

Best Practices to Aid Author Selection in Biomedical Publications

Meera Kodukulla, PhD

AstraZeneca, United States

Senior Director, Scientific Publications

Jennie G Jacobson, PhD

Enhancing Publications Through Expanded Digital Content and Social Media

Jennie G Jacobson, PhD

Jacobson Medical Writing, Inc., United States


