Sheraton Pentagon City Hotel

2024 年 03 月 14 日 7:30 上午 - 2024 年 03 月 15 日 4:15 下午

900 South Orme Street, Arlington, VA 22204, USA

Global Labeling Conference

Join speakers from around the world sharing their labeling – Germany, Japan, Belgium, UK, Canada and more!

Session 4: Panel Discussion: Impact of Company Size on Labeling Innovation

Session Chair(s)

Hayley  Parker, PhD, MSc

Hayley Parker, PhD, MSc

Senior Vice President

Pepgen Inc., United States

Lauren  Brunke, PharmD, RPh

Lauren Brunke, PharmD, RPh

Senior Director, Global Regulatory Affairs, Global Labeling

Eli Lilly and Company, United States

Pharmaceutical and biotech companies can have unique approaches to how they conduct research, development, and commercialization. How about labeling? This session will explore how company size and labeling organizational structure can impact current business needs and future innovation. It will include a panel of representatives from different companies sharing their perspectives on the following areas: (1) mergers, acquisitions, and co-development with external companies; (2) roles, responsibilities, and processes; and (3) technology.

Learning Objective : At the conclusion of this session, participants should be able to:
  • Describe the role of the labeling function during mergers, acquisitions, and co-development with external companies
  • Explain the impact that company size can have on an organization’s labeling processes and governance
  • Discuss the impact that company size can have on labeling strategy and emerging technologies


Ken  Zerfass


Ken Zerfass

Eli Lilly, United States

Director of Global Packaging and Labeling Artwork Development

Nancy  Cauwenberghs, PhD


Nancy Cauwenberghs, PhD

J&J Innovative Medicines, Belgium

Head Global Labeling, GRA

Deborah  Bebbington


Deborah Bebbington

Bayer Plc, United Kingdom

Head Global Labeling

