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Track 10: Value and Access

DIA 2017: Driving Insights to Action! 

With 9 sessions specific to Value and Access, this track was developed out of recent concerns about escalating drug prices and rising health care spending. These issues have generated considerable interest in medical product development and access to  medicines.

The landscape is evolving into one assessed on value, and there is a need to understand the impact of this movement on all stakeholders – providers, payers, biopharma, and ultimately patients. The Value and Access track will bring together global regulators, industry leaders, and payers who will facilitate discussions and address questions such as:

  • Who is making or influencing access decisions?
  • What are the regulatory and legal considerations surrounding value-based contracting conversations with payers?
  • What information and evidence is being used to define value?
  • How can real-world data be leveraged to drive access to medicines?

DIA recommends this track and associated sessions to payers, health economics outcomes researchers, health economists, statisticians, data modelers, clinical researchers, and postmarket professionals.

Highlights in Value and Access

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Sessions in Value and Access

Sunday, June 18 | Short Courses

View All Short Courses

Monday, June 19

Tuesday, June 20

Wednesday, June 21

More on Value and Access: How We Think at DIA

Read the latest insights on Value and Access from DIA's digital magazine, the Global Forum, and DIA’s print journal, Therapeutic Innovation and Regulatory Science (TIRS).

Registration Rates

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