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Solutions for a Cause

You can help support access to community healthcare while exploring business solutions and networking at DIA 2020!

DIA 2020

Take part in our Exhibitor Challenge, “Solutions for a Cause,” by earning points for taking action during the Global Annual Meeting—and be entered in a daily drawing for a $250 American Express Gift Card!

How Does “Solutions for a Cause” Work?

During the DIA 2020 Global Annual Meeting, you’ll have the opportunity to visit our Virtual Exhibit Hall in search of solutions for your business or organization. As a result of your point-worthy actions (see below for list of points), DIA will make a donation in support of Mary’s Center, a nonprofit community-based organization located in Washington, DC, and Maryland. As a bonus, your individual points will be tallied daily, Monday through Thursday, for entry to win a $250 American Express Gift Card!

Why Mary’s Center?

More than a meeting, DIA 2020 seeks to catalyze conversations that spur collective action for public good. With more than 30 years of experience providing medical, social, and educational services to families throughout the region, Mary’s Center embraces all communities through actionable supports–including telehealth and telemedicine, in-person healthcare services, and testing.

How Do I Earn Points?

You’ll receive points for a variety of virtual online interactions with exhibiting organizations. These include:

  • 10 points for scheduling and completing a meeting with an Exhibitor
  • 10 points for attending an Innovation Theater
  • 2 points for viewing an Exhibitor’s video
  • 2 points for downloading an Exhibitor’s content
  • 1 point for clicking on an Exhibitor’s Virtual Booth
  • 1 point for clicking on an Exhibitor’s website link
The five attendees with the highest number of points each day will be entered in a daily drawing for a $250 American Express Gift Card! As the event is virtual, points can be scored—and exhibit information can be viewed—at any time during DIA 2020, rather than just traditional exhibit floor hours.

Anything Else I Should Know?

In the spirit of collaboration, if you or your organization would like to join DIA in donating to Mary’s Center, you can donate here! How do donations help?

  • $1,000 covers the cost of one laptop to assist with telehealth program
  • $500 covers the cost of 100 PPE kits (e.g. gown, mask, gloves)
  • $150 covers the cost of one telemedicine device
  • $50 covers the cost of a COVID-19 testing kit for an uninsured patient

From physically apart to virtually together, from ideas and conversations turned into collaborative action, thank you for your support of DIA 2020, our exhibiting partners, and Mary’s Center!

