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Professional and Student ePosters Guidelines

ePoster Overview

ePosters (just like infographics) are graphic visual representations of information, data, or knowledge intended to present information quickly and clearly. They can improve cognition by utilizing graphics to enhance the human visual system's ability to see patterns and trends.

ePosters will be featured in an online gallery within the virtual meeting platform that is hosting DIA 2021. ePoster presenters will upload a PDF of their poster prior to the meeting. Attendees will be able to scroll through and search ePosters throughout the duration of the virtual meeting.

ePosters will run continuously during the meeting. There are no formal or LIVE ePoster presentations during the meeting.

ePoster Resources

ePoster presenters are required to upload a PDF of their poster. Presenters are also encouraged to upload a self-recorded video, handout, and abstract to further showcase their research and promote a dialogue with attendees. DIA has developed a set of resources to help you develop and create your ePoster.

Professional and Student ePoster Look Book
This document provides an overview of ePosters and provides helpful tips along with ePoster guidelines. Review this Look Book before you create your ePoster. It will guide you through the creation of your ePoster and provide information on poster upload and next steps.

ePoster FAQ
This document provides quick answers to the most frequently asked ePoster presentation questions. Refer to this document for the who, what, when, and where of your ePoster presentation.

Sample ePoster Template
While there is no required template for ePosters, DIA has developed a sample ePoster template for your use. This PowerPoint template is fully editable and can be customized to fit your data and preferred design.

Posters should be a minimum size of (4800px W x 3600px H) or (16in W x 12in H @ 300dpi) for best display.

ePoster Upload and Next Steps

ePoster upload instructions have been sent to all registered presenting authors who have completed the Participant Agreement, Profile, and Disclosure via Speakers Corner. The deadline to upload ePosters is June 3. If you are registered and have completed the Participant Agreement, Profile, and Disclosure via Speakers Corner but have not received ePoster upload instructions, please contact Jess Warner at

