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Patient Scholars Program

Attend the 2022 Global Annual Meeting

The DIA Patient Scholars Program exists to provide educational experiences to patients and advocates who would not otherwise be supported (e.g., through a project, grant, or professional source) to attend the DIA Global Annual Meeting. In addition, patient scholars may participate in unique opportunities to advance understanding of the value of patient engagement in medical product development across the industry.

Program Date: June 19-23

Location: McCormick Place Convention Center, Chicago, Il

Application Due: April 2, 11:59 PM ET

Submit Application

  • Scholarship Types Available

    Full Scholarship

    For domestic applicants only. Three full scholarships will be awarded, which include round-trip coach air or train fare; one-room overnight accommodations for up to 4 nights at one of the hotels within the DIA room block (room + tax); 5 days per diem for miscellaneous travel expenses; and complimentary registration for the DIA Global Annual Meeting.

    Registration Fees Only

    Virtual or local attendees only. Registration fees will be waived for up to 10 local patient attendees for In-Person Conference Access only, but no travel or per diem will be provided. Applicants for virtual On-Demand content library access may be from any geographic region and are subject to approval.

  • Apply

    To apply for any of the scholarship levels, please provide the following:

    • For those affiliated with established patient groups: Proof of your organization's nonprofit status.
    • For individual patients/advocates who are not affiliated with patient organizations or groups: CV or description of work.

    Submit Application

  • Missed the Deadline?

    DIA 2022 offers a special registration fee for patients and patient organization representatives of $250, if registered by May 31. After May 31 , the standard patient registration rate of $400 will apply.

    Register Patient Advocate

