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Meeting Speaker from the Central Drugs Standard Control Organization

We are honored to have the Central Drugs Standard Control Organization partner so closely with us, especially at time where innovation has been catalyzed. Learn more below about these leaders of today.

Meet Our Confirmed Speaker from the Central Drugs Standard Control Organization

VG Somani, Drug Controller General of India
Dr. Venugopal G Somani is the Drugs Controller General of India (DCGI) since July 2019.

Dr. V.G. Somani did his MPharm and PhD in Pharmaceutical Sciences from Nagpur University, India. Earlier he worked as a Joint Drugs Controller (India) in CDSCO heading the Divisions of Regulation of Medical Devices & In vitro Diagnostics, Stem cells & Blood Products, New Drugs (which are Subsequent & Fixed Dose Combination), He has also worked as Joint Drugs Controller (India) heading the divisions of Biologicals, Clinical Trial, New Drugs and Cosmetics, Enforcements for several years. He was primarily involved in dossier assessment, monitoring, and framing of proposals for amendments in Rules, policies, and guidelines.

Dr. Somani officiated as Drugs Controller General (India) Nov 2011 to Feb 2012 and also worked as 'Deputy Drugs Controller (I), Assistant Drugs Controller (I) and Drugs Inspector at CDSCO in various zonal offices like West Zone Mumbai, Ahmadabad, East Zone Kolkata, HQ New Delhi while conducting and monitoring GMP, GCP, and GLP inspection.

Dr. Somani has been actively involved in the National and International forum for policy making, training, selections, providing expert opinion for better regulatory processes.


Liana Kusano Fonseca, MHS, Manager, Office of Inspections and Law Enforcement for Drug Products and APIs
Master in Medical Sciences from University of Brasilia, Specialist in Sanitary Regulation and Surveillance from Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, leader inspector of medicines since 2012 and Manager of Office of Inspections and Law Enforcement for Drug Products and APIs at Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency (Anvisa).


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