The LaliT, Mumbai

Mar 24, 2017 8:30 AM - Mar 25, 2017 4:30 PM

Sahar Airport Road, Andheri, East, Mumbai 400059, India

"PV Fast Forward" - Technology, Pace, Priority.


Technological advancements are rapidly impacting the way pharmacovigilance obligations will be fulfilled by marketing authorization holders. The modus operandi of conducting pharmacovigilance opertions is expected to change significantly by the year 2020. Automation, artificial intelligence, machine learning, cognitive computing, proactive pharmacovigilance are shaping the new paradigm of the safety world. Achieving compliance at a lower cost and higher quality is much closer as a goal today than it was ever before. PV fast forward is ameeting of minds that celebrates this cause, and provides an opportunity to cross learn through this journey.

This conference aspires to bring together thought leaders representing many of the stakeholders of pharmacovigilance to deliberate the current best practices, deliberations on Automation in PV, Label Management & Risk Management and many other niche topics, with the focus being on pharmacovigilance and related professionals in India. The two-day conference will ensure enough opportunity to interact with speakers and colleagues from the entire spectrum of the pharmacovigilance domain in India.”

Registration Form

Learning objectives

At the end of this Conference the participants should be able to:

  • Comprehend multiple facets of global drug safety concepts along with insights on Indian pharmacovigilance
  • Understand how new technologies can help in improving adverse event reporting and processing of safety data
  • Discuss the advancements in pharmacovigilance in the European Union and how it influences the global drug safety

Program Committee

  • Moin  Don
    Moin Don Founder and CEO, PVCON Consulting, Lead: South Asia Chapter (ISoP),
    International Society of Pharmacovigilance (ISoP), India
  • Krishna  Bahadursingh, MD
    Krishna Bahadursingh, MD
    Former Pharma Executive & Fellow of the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Medicine(Uk), Japan
  • Achint Kumar  Gupta, DrMed, MD
    Achint Kumar Gupta, DrMed, MD EU / UK QPPV
    Incyte, Netherlands
  • Jamal Anwar Baig, PhD
    Jamal Anwar Baig, PhD Multi Country Safety Head – South Asia & Indo-China (Vietnam)
    Sanofi, India
  • J Vijay  Venkatraman, MD, MBA
    J Vijay Venkatraman, MD, MBA Managing Director and CEO
    Oviya MedSafe, India
  • Mangesh  Kulkarni, MD
    Mangesh Kulkarni, MD Global Head – Drug Safety
    Tata Consultancy Services, India
  • Rajesh  Jain, MD
    Rajesh Jain, MD Principal Consultant, Clinical Services Solutions
    PharmaLex, Germany
  • Supriya  Desai
    Supriya Desai Director - SRM
    Sciformix Technologies Pvt Ltd., India

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