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European Medicines Agency

Nov 21, 2023 9:30 AM - Nov 21, 2023 5:30 PM

Domenico Scarlattilaan 6, 1083 HS Amsterdam, Netherlands

EMA EudraVigilance and Signal Management Information Day

The first onsite EudraVigilance and Signal Management information day since 2018 is dedicated to update on EudraVigilance data protection activities, SPOR data activities, the revision of ICH-E2D, ICSRs quality control, key aspects and findings in PV Inspections related to EudraVigilance as well as EudraVigilance Operational activities.


One of the milestones during 2022 in the EudraVigilance database was the mandatory use of the ISO Individual Case Safety Report (ICSR) standard (ISO 27953-2:2011) based on the ICH E2B(R3) modalities and the ISO terminology on pharmaceutical dose forms and routes of administration, (ISO 11239:2012).

Following this important milestone, this information day will describe and highlight other aspects for further development in the database and initiatives driven by international activities, together with the management and maintenance of EudraVigilance for the good functioning of the EU pharmacovigilance network.

Regulation (EU) 2016/679, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) applies since 25 May 2018. MAHs are controllers for the personal data processing activities carried out pursuant to the pharmacovigilance legislation including the access and further processing of ICSR data originating from EudraVigilance. The data protection activities, measures and responsibilities will be described and developed during this information day.

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) is implementing the ISO IDMP standards for the identification of medicinal products in a phased programme, based on the four domains of master data in pharmaceutical regulatory processes: substance, product, organisation and referential (SPOR) data. An update of the SPOR activities will be highlighted.

According to Article 24 (3) of Regulation 726/2004, the Agency shall, in collaboration either with the MAHs or with the Member State that submitted an individual suspected adverse reaction report to the EudraVigilance database, be responsible for operating procedures that ensure the quality and integrity of the information collected. Moreover, specific quality system procedures and processes shall be in place to ensure submission of accurate and verifiable data on serious and non-serious suspected adverse reactions to the EudraVigilance database within the 15 or 90-day time frame [IR- Art 11 (1) (c)]. To support these legislative requirements, the Agency is working on the process to implement compliance reports for electronic submission of ICSRs. These reports and their implementation will be fully described during this information day.

An update of the existing ICH E2D (Post Approval Safety Data Management: Definitions and Standard for Expedited Reporting) guideline is proposed to clarify the management of post-approval safety information from new or increasingly used data sources. An update of the revision of the E2D guideline will be also discussed.

Other aspects such as the role of the EU QPPVs, quality control of ICSRs, pharmacovigilance inspections findings and examples of the use of artificial intelligence will be described.

Featured topics

  • EudraVigilance data protection activities
  • Substance, product, organisation and referential (SPOR) data
  • Revision of ICH- E2D
  • ICSRs quality control
  • Pharmacovigilance Inspections
  • EudraVigilance Operational activities

Who should attend?

  • Qualified Persons Responsible for Pharmacovigilance (QPPVs) and their deputies
  • Professionals involved in Pharmacovigilance, Safety Surveillance Scientists
  • Sponsors of Clinical Trials
  • Individuals involved in clinical development, information management, safety databases and safety assessment.
  • Pharmacovigilance Information Technology Professionals

Program Committee

  • Paolo  Alcini
    Paolo Alcini Head of Healthcare Data
    European Medicines Agency, Netherlands
  • Georgy  Genov, MD
    Georgy Genov, MD Head of PHV Office, ad-interim Head of Quality & Safety of Medicines Department
    European Medicines Agency, Netherlands
  • Rodrigo  Postigo
    Rodrigo Postigo Scientific Administrator
    European Medicines Agency, Netherlands
  • Gilles  Touraille, PharmD, PhD
    Gilles Touraille, PharmD, PhD Scientific Administrator
    European Medicines Agency, Netherlands
  • Anja  Van Haren, MSc
    Anja Van Haren, MSc Eudravigilance coordinator
    Medicines Evaluation Board (MEB), Netherlands

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