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Why Attend?

By attending EuroMeeting 2016 you will expand your knowledge of key challenges and opportunities facing health care product development professionals. Beyond discussing the issues, you will spend time networking and building relationships with your regulatory and policy counterparts guiding the trends. The resulting knowledge transfer and lasting partnerships will pave the way for advancements now and in the future.

  • Who will you meet?

    The DIA EuroMeeting attracts:

    • Corporate executives
    • Pharmacovigilance professionals
    • Clinical development professionals
    • Regulators
    • Decision makers
    • Patient advocates
  • Top 5 Reasons to Attend EuroMeeting 2016

    1. Learn from Interdisciplinary Experts
      EuroMeeting presentations and discussions are guided by key thought leaders and policy makers collaborating across multiple perspectives from regulators and industry to the most important stakeholder: patients.
    2. Network with Influencers
      With over 15 hours of time dedicated to networking activities, you will have various opportunities to meet with key stakeholders in your field.
    3. Tailor your Learning
      With 14 content tracks, you can quickly navigate and customize your individual EuroMeeting programme to ensure you capture the key insights for you and your organisation.
    4. Collaborate with Solution Providers
      The Exhibition hall attracts 160+ companies looking to help you overcome business challenges and collaboratively develop new solutions.
    5. Advance your Career
      Be it through making new connections, meeting solution providers or sparking new ideas through discussions, you can be sure to gain valuable knowledge for you and your organisation.

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