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Sunny Zhu,

Excellence in Service Award

Sunny Zhu has more than 20 years of working experience in the pharmaceutical industry including employment with MSD, AstraZeneca and currently is working in the global development center of Bayer Healthcare in Beijing. Sunny has participated or led in almost 40 new drug clinical development projects including multiple therapeutic areas such as respiratory, anti-infective and anti-inflammation, oncology, cardiology and psychiatry and neurosciences and experienced in different roles  in clinical development and project management with  a scope of China, AsiaPac region and Global. Sunny graduated from Peking University Medical Department with master degree as highest in medicine and epidemiology and statistic.

In recent years, Sunny has been proactively engaged in various activities of DIA China involving joining the faculty team in the development and conduct of the courses of Clinical Project Management. This course has been conducted for several years in China successfully and become one of the most welcomed courses in DIA China training program. In addition to this course, she also organized the CPM forum as a platform to enable Project Managers to do off-course sharing and discussion.  Sunny also contributed to DIA Annual Meetings for organizing the sessions in clinical science and project management.

2018 Inspire Award Winners

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