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Nancy Dreyer

Author of the Year Award

Advancing a Framework for Regulatory Use of Real World Evidence: When Real is Reliable

Therapeutic Innovation & Regulatory Science

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Nancy Dreyer is chief scientific officer and SVP at IQVIA. She focuses on generating real-world evidence for regulators, clinicians, patients and payers through pragmatic trials and non-interventional approaches. She is a Fellow of both DIA and the Int’l Society of Pharmacoepidemiology, is a member of the PCORI Clinical Trials Methods Advisory Panel, and has been a Standing Consultant to the National Football League Health & Safety Executive Committee since 2013. She holds an appointment as Adjunct Professor of Epidemiology at the Gillings School of Global Public Health at the University of North Carolina and is a two-time recipient of PharmaVOICE magazine's annual list of 100 most influential and inspiring individuals in life sciences.

2020 Inspire Award Winners

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