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Mercure Hotel Amsterdam City

04 dic 2019 8:00 a.m. - 05 dic 2019 5:00 p.m.

Joan Muyskenweg 10, 1096 CJ Amsterdam, Netherlands

Clinical Trial Disclosure & Data Transparency Conference

Evolving Requirements and New Challenges

Perspectiva general

Join us to deliberate the latest challenges and opportunities resulting from EMA, Health Canada and National Institutes of Health data disclosure & transparency policies, and gain insights on different approaches to navigate and comply with global disclosure and transparency requirements for medicinal products and medical devices.

We will also discuss the impact of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) on data sharing; various strategies for preparing for the implementation of the EU Clinical Trials Regulation; the impact of Brexit on MHRA and disclosure requirements; how new ICMJE data sharing requirements are being implemented; what approaches sponsors are taking for redaction and anonymization; and updates on sponsor compliance.

This 2019 Conference builds on prior conference discussions and leverages learnings from Regulators and international experts in the field.

Temas destacados

  • Legal Requirements for disclosure of Clinical Research Information
  • EU Clinical Trial Regulation requirements for trial results summaries for laypersons
  • Clinical Trial Disclosure and Transparency Requirements in the Upcoming EU Medical Device Regulation
  • Legal impact of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) on data sharing
  • Operationalizing ICMJE’s data sharing requirement - How sponsors are approaching data sharing/Experience to date from the ICMJE
  • Latest update from
  • Planning for submission of clinical documents to Health Canada and EMA
  • Understanding approaches sponsors are taking on redaction and anonymization
  • Impact of Brexit on MHRA and clinical trial disclosure requirements


Want to learn more about Clinical Trial Disclosure & Data Transparency Conference? You've come to the right site!

¿Quiénes deben asistir?

  • Professionals and experts from areas affected by public clinical trial disclosure requirements across drug and medical device development (regulatory affairs, scientific affairs, medical writing, clinical operations, medical communication, biostatisticians/biometrics, project management, medical affairs, legal, patent departments, etc.)
  • Consultants, CROs and companies that offer services for submitting to clinical trial registries, publication planning and medical writing
  • Patient organisations
  • Regulatory agencies
  • Academic institutions

Objetivos de aprendizaje

  • Learn about the latest developments relating to EMA’s Clinical Data Publication Policy 0070, Health Canada’s Clinical Data Publication Policy, ICMJE Data Sharing Statement Requirement, EU MDR, EU GDPR, Brexit and MHRA, and from regulators, legal experts as well as industry experts.
  • Benefit from the various perspectives on regulatory, legal aspects and practical challenges from large to smaller sponsor organisations
  • Leverage best practices on the practical implementation through case studies by the exchanging of views between regulators, industry, patients, academia and other stakeholders
  • Use a unique opportunity for networking and asking questions to your own specific situation and area of responsibility

Short Course or Primer

To keep you at the forefront.

03 dic 2019

The Evolving Disclosure/Transparency Landscape (Workshop):

Comité del programa

  • Julie  Holtzople
    Julie Holtzople President
    Holtzople Consulting, United States
  • Merete  Joergensen, MBA, MSc
    Merete Joergensen, MBA, MSc Clinical Disclosure and Transparency Expert
    Merete-J Consulting, Denmark
  • Scott  Feiner
    Scott Feiner Senior Manager, Trial Disclosure
    AbbVie, United States
  • Robert  Paarlberg, MS
    Robert Paarlberg, MS Principal
    Paarlberg & Associates LLC, United States
  • Matthias  Zerm, PhD
    Matthias Zerm, PhD Lead Expert, Clinical Trial Disclosure and R&D Processes

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