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About DIA 2022

Innovation Through Collaboration

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For more than 50 years, DIA has been dedicated to providing a neutral and transparent global forum for the exchange of ideas and collaborations to further scientific and medical innovations. The DIA 2022 Global Annual Meeting brings industry, regulators, academics, and patients together to co-create, problem-solve, and discuss global and local challenges facing professionals in the life sciences community. DIA 2022 is the essential meeting for catalyzing knowledge creation and sharing to accelerate healthcare product development. It is an unparalleled experience combining education and networking opportunities that will elevate your skills and knowledge. 

This year, DIA 2022 is excited to return to in-person programming that will bring enhanced opportunities to learn, connect, and collaborate with our key tenets remaining unchanged

  • That patients are our story
  • That we seek to understand
  • That collaboration is the skill we hone
  • That this collaboration must cross organizations, decades, languages, and boundaries to have true global impact

You will find an array of diverse sessions across our thirteen education tracks, dedicated networking, continuing education opportunities, and a dynamic exhibit hall. By joining us, you will be immersed in conversations with leaders from around the globe with the same common goal – to advance science and fuel innovation that directly impacts public health. 

This event is vaccine-required. This means that all participants at the 2022 Global Annual Meeting in Chicago, whether a presenter, attendee, exhibitor, staff, guest, or vendor, will be required to be fully vaccinated. Please click here for more information regarding our vaccine policy and mask requirement. 

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