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Menú Volver a Program-Development-Guidelines

Program Development Guidelines


Session Chair Responsibilities

  1. Maintain communication with theme leaders(s) / programme committee members and DIA regarding the development of your session.
    • Adhere to deadlines and assist DIA in ensuring that all speakers meet their deadlines.
    • All confirmed speakers and participants of the meeting programme must complete the Speaker Disclosure and Authorisation for Use of Presentation Materials online forms in the Speaker Corner of the DIA Europe 2019 section of the DIA website.
    • All presentations must be submitted by the established designated deadline to the presentation management system (EPAC).
  2. Maintain close working relationship with speakers as they develop their presentation.
    • Meet with speakers well before the event via teleconference and/or email.
    • Request and review speaker’s draft outline of presentation.
    • Ensure there is no overlap of content between speakers.
    • Advise speakers that their presentation must not be commercial or promotional. Speaker clothing may not carry logos or other company-specific emblems.
  3. Review and approve speaker presentations after they have been submitted to the presentation management system (EPAC) to confirm that each presentation.
  4. During the activity
    • Maintain timing of each presenter and allow ample time for questions and answers from the audience.
    • Ensure all presenters properly use the podium microphone and laptop provided.
    • Prepare sample questions for your session to engage audience participation.
    • Internet connectivity in the session rooms is not guaranteed.

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General Programme Guidelines/Supported Speakers and Regulatory Agency Speakers

Session Development and Speaker Recruitment
  • Co-presenters for presentations are not permitted. Co-chairs are allowed only under certain conditions and require DIA approval in advance.
  • More than one participant from the same company in session is not permitted.
  • Session chairs must ensure good representation/diversity in the selection of speakers/panellists. If applicable, government, academia, CSO, and industry perspectives should be represented.
  • Each session is limited to one supported participant (see Speaker Support below).
Session Structure

Sessions are 90 minutes in length. Each session usually consists of a maximum of 3 speakers and 1 session chair (maximum of four people on a platform). On average this works out to be 20 minutes per presentation and 10 minutes for QA per speaker. More interactive formats are also encouraged. Should you have a suggestion for different format, please contact DIA.

Short Course Structure

Half-day Short Courses are 3.5 hours in length and include a 30-minute break halfway through. One co-instructor may be recruited but cannot be from the same company/organisation.

Speaker Support –Who Qualifies?

Programme participants are responsible for their own travel/hotel expenses unless they qualify for support.

Supported speakers include full-time government, regulatory and academic employees, and patient advocates. All requests for support must be sent to the DIA Europe office for approval before chairs/speakers/panellists are invited and before the programme is developed.

Supported speakers will receive round-trip economy airfare (arranged through the DIA travel agent), plus hotel room and tax for a number of hotel nights corresponding to their involvement in the programme. Any additional living expenses must be agreed with DIA in advance and may be reimbursed up to EUR 50 per day. Receipts must be submitted at time of reimbursement.

Meeting registration fee is waived for confirmed supported speakers.

Each session is limited to a maximum of one supported participant.

Short Course instructors should refer to their Short Course information pack for support guidelines.

Inviting Regulatory Agency Speakers

Individuals from the following regulatory organisations may not be contacted directly to participate: CFDA, EMA, European Commission, FDA, Health Canada, and MHRA. Per regulatory agency policy, DIA is to officially request the participation of speakers from these organisations. The chair is to provide DIA with the requested speaker’s name and topic to be presented as early as possible to ensure the best opportunity for receiving approval from the respective agency.

Speakers from other organisations not indicated above may be contacted directly by the session chair. DIA can follow up with a formal invitation as required.

Meeting registration fee is waived for confirmed regulatory agency speakers.

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Helpful Hints for a Successful Programme Participant Experience

Promotion at the Podium
  • All presentations must be fair, balanced, and free of commercial bias.
  • Presentations must not be commercial or promotional
  • Company (including consultants and institution) logo may appear only on slide 1.
  • Speaker clothing may not carry logos or other company specific emblems.
During the Session
  • Project your voice and speak clearly. Lectern microphone should be placed hands width away and just below your mouth. Face your audience and avoid turning your head away from the microphone.
  • Repeat questions that were asked without the use of a microphone.
  • Turn off mobile devices/tablets during the session.
Session Chairs
  • Start activity on time. Request to have mobile devices disabled.
  • Ensure the audience can hear your speakers.
  • Remind any speaker or attendee not using the microphone effectively to move closer or reposition the microphone.
  • Provide adequate time for audience question & answer time.
  • Finish on time.

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Standard Room Setup/AV Equipment




(1) Screen
(1) Projector
(1) Lectern
(1) Laptop*
(1) Head table/dais, 4 chairs
(2) Table microphones
(1-2) Floor microphones

*All presentations will be pre-loaded to laptop on lectern. Uploading directly to the laptop is not permitted.

Note: Internet connectivity is not provided

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Speaker Disclosure and Authorisation for Use of Presentation Materials

Confirmed participants in the DIA Europe 2019 programme are required to complete Speaker Disclosure and Authorisation for Use of Presentation Materials to be completed through Speakers Corner on the DIA Europe 2019 site.

Note: Participants whose abstracts were selected for the program have completed Speaker Disclosure and Authorisation for Use of Presentation Materials during the abstract submittal process unless the abstract was submitted by someone else on their behalf.

  • All presentations are to be fair balanced and free of commercial bias.
  • All programme participants in a position to control content (this includes programme chairpersons and committee members, theme leaders, session chairs, speakers, and panellists) must provide DIA with any significant financial relationships they have with the manufacturer of products or services as discussed within their presentation or with regard to the content of the session/meeting (for those who are not speaking).
  • If a programme participant (as noted above) has a conflict of interest as a result of the financial relationship, this will need to be resolved prior to the meeting.
  • If a programme participant does not provide disclosure to DIA, he/she will not be permitted to participate in the meeting.
  • When discussing therapeutic options, it is DIA’s preference that only generic names and not trade names be used. If it is necessary to use trade names, please use the trade names of all products being discussed.
Disclosure Q & A
  • Why do volunteers need to disclose? As an accredited provider DIA is required to provide its activity participants with any conflict of interest a programme participant may have.
  • Who needs to disclose? Anyone in a position to control content: Programme chairperson(s), theme leaders, session chairs, speakers, panellists, authors, DIA staff developing content. (The above are referred to in this document as programme participants)
  • What needs to be disclosed? All relevant financial relationships between the commercial supporter (if applicable) and manufacturer of services discussed within the activity and/or presentation. Programme chairpersons and theme leaders need to provide disclosure related to the development of the activity; session chairs, speakers, and authors need to provide disclosure related to the content of their presentation. If a programme participant has no financial relationships this also needs to be disclosed.
  • Does a programme participant need to disclose all financial relationships? No, only those that pertain to the content of the educational activity or presentation.
  • Does a programme participant need to disclose the amount of the financial relationship? No.
  • If a volunteer participates as a programme participant in multiple activities, does he/she have to complete a disclosure form for each activity? Yes. The disclosure is pertinent to the content/presentation of the given activity.

If a programme participant has a conflict of interest, the conflict must be addressed prior to the educational activity.


In an effort to ensure that you, as the speaker, and DIA are fully compliant with copyright, we ask that you review all of your materials that may need copyright permission. If you already have permission to use these materials, please provide DIA with the source/reference. Copyright permission is a very important issue that DIA takes seriously.

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DIA Policy Concerning Promotion of Products and Services from the Podium at DIA-Sponsored Activities

DIA encourages the exchange of knowledge and supports the dissemination of information pertaining to the full spectrum of medical product development. DIA does this by providing its members a neutral forum for education and discussion opportunities. Preservation of the neutrality of this forum, fostering collaborative efforts among stakeholders such as academia, contract research organisations, governmental agencies, industry, practitioners, patients and vendors, is essential to the success of DIA. DIA draws a clear distinction between the dissemination of information and outright commercial promotion.

At DIA-sponsored activities, presentations by persons affiliated with organisations or institutions that provide services or products must be limited to scientific, technical or process issues. Presentations should not overtly endorse or recommend a specific product or service. The theme and content of slides, handouts and other presentation aids should not promote a commercial product or service. DIA designated presentation templates will be provided to its presenters. Speaker clothing may not carry logos or other company-specific emblems. In this way, DIA activities will be educational, rather than commercial and promotional.

DIA will create and disseminate publicity pertinent to a DIA-sponsored activity. All such publicity will be distributed directly from the DIA Office or its designee. Individuals and organisations can, at their option, make announcements of their participation in DIA-sponsored activities, but should refrain from doing so until confirmation of participation has been received from DIA. Any advertising of participation in a DIA-sponsored activity by an individual or an organization shall not use any copyrighted material from DIA or the DIA trademark unless authorization from DIA has been received.

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