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Speakers Corner

Welcome to Speakers Corner

This is where you will find up to date information pertaining to your participation as a chair, speaker or panelist at DIA 2016, June 26-30, 2016, in Philadelphia, PA

Please review the Program Development Guidelines that includes important information about your participation.

Presentation Templates

DIA 2016 Template

DIA 2016 US Agency Template
REMINDER:  No Logos on Handouts/Presentation.  Logos for industry or for-profit organizations are not permitted to be included in slide presentations, per ACCME Standards for Commercial Support. In addition, speaker clothing may not carry logos or other company specific emblems. In this way, DIA activities will be educational, rather than commercial and promotional.
  • Important Dates for Chairs and Speakers

    May Deadlines

    • May: Speaker webinars available for viewing
    • May 5: PowerPoint templates available, with instructions for uploading presentations
    • May 9: Deadline for information to be included in printed Final Program

    June Deadlines

    • June 17: Final deadline to upload presentations
    • June 18-24: Review of presentations by chairs and DIA staff. Follow-up with speakers as necessary
    • June 26-30: DIA 2016, Pennsylvania Convention Center, 1101 Arch Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107
  • Housing

    Visit the Hotel/Travel Information section of the DIA 2016 Website to reserve now.

    DIA Call to ActionEligible Supported Speakers: Please do not book housing until contacted by a member of the Annual Meeting team.

