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Student Opportunities

At DIA 2017 Global Annual Meeting, we’ve planned various events for students to engage, connect, and network in Chicago.

From the Student Session, Career Fair, to the Student Forum (for DIA 2017 attendees only), there are a plethora of ways to meet a new mentor, future colleagues, or other students like you.

  • Sunday, June 18, 10:30AM–12:00PM

    Learn more about DIA Student Membership during the Sunday DIA Student Session. This session is free to students and does not require DIA 2017 registration. RSVP is requested.

    Interact with fellow graduate students, and hear from DIA and its members on how to make the most of your DIA membership!

    This session will explore the opportunities that student membership in the Drug Information Association (DIA) offers. Attendees will hear an overview of DIA and its relationship to the global pharmaceutical, device, and therapeutic industries. DIA and its members will share information about how to maximize the DIA membership, including ways to get network and get involved in DIA activities. The session will also include a panel discussion on potential careers for students with a scientific and/or health care background.

    • 10:30-10:50AM: Welcome and Introduction to Student Chapters (DIA)
    • 10:50-11:00AM: DIA Student Chapters Q&A
    • 11:00-12:00PM: Interactive Career Panel Discussion



    • Alberto Grignolo, Corporate VP, Global Strategy at PAREXEL Consulting
    • Mark Kryah, Senior Advisor/COO, Bio-Medicines Business Unit, Eli Lilly and Company
    • Margaret Richards, Vice President, Data Analytics and Epidemiology, RW Strategy and Analytics, Mapi
    RSVP Now
  • Sunday, June 18, 12:00–6:00PM

    Attend the DIA DIA Drug Development and Life Sciences Career Fair! Immediately following the Student Session, continue networking with future employers looking for candidates just like you. Meet leading employers in the clinical and product development space who will be showcasing their career opportunities available within their organizations. This is your rare chance to connect with CRO, biotech, and pharma organizations all in one venue. The DIA Career Fair is the premier event to discover your next career move.

    Although walk-ups are welcome, DIA encourages you to register beforehand to make the most of the event (pre-registered candidates have access to creating new relationships ahead of the event, sharing their resume, and browsing available jobs).
    Attend Career Fair
  • Monday, June 19, 11:00AM-12:15PM

    Engage & Exchange Student Forum is exclusive to DIA 2017 student attendees. This session will explore three areas of interest to advanced students in pharmacy, pharmaceutics, life sciences, and related programs:

    1. The uses and abuses of business cards.
    2. Opportunities in the pharmaceutical industry for recent graduates.
    3. What recruiters want and how to help them advance your career.

    Learning Objectives

    1. Decipher which information is appropriate for business cards
    2. Determine what opportunities exist for people looking for employment in the pharmaceutical industry
    3. Explain how recruiters can help in all stages of career building

Registration Rates

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