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Professional and Student Posters

This year DIA returns to face-to-face poster presentations in Chicago, IL

Professional PostersIndividuals from all fields related DIA’s mission are invited to submit a poster to be displayed at the DIA 2022 Global Annual Meeting in Chicago, IL. The Professional and Student Poster Program is an opportunity for you to present your research, results, case study, and/or thought leadership to a diverse group of scientific professionals who are actively involved in the discovery, development, and lifecycle management of pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, medical devices, and healthcare-related products.

View Poster Abstracts

  • Top Five Reasons to Present your Poster at DIA 2022

    1. Posters allow you to gain feedback on ongoing research. Whether your work is in its early stages or completed, you will benefit from discussions with other researchers in the same field.
    2. Network with attendees and have impartial discussion about your work with people from around the globe, across the drug development continuum.
    3. Posters are a great way to disseminate your work, especially if it falls within a narrow field of specialization.
    4. If your field of research/interest is not featured prominently in our program, a poster is a great way to bring your content to a wide, interdisciplinary audience.
    5. Gain the skills and confidence to present your work in a dynamic fashion to an audience of your peers.
  • Important Dates

    Tuesday, January 11: Call for Professional and Student Posters Opens
    Monday, March 7: Call for Professional and Student Posters Closes
    Week of April 4: Abstract Notifications Sent

  • Questions?

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