Pennsylvania Convention Center

2016 年 06 月 26 日 8:30 上午 - 2016 年 06 月 26 日 12:00 下午

1101 Arch Street, , Philadelphia, PA 19107 , USA

#25: Signal Detection: Identifying and Managing Safety Signals


An additional registration fee is required for all preconference tutorials.  Register today for this tutorial.

Signal detection is an essential element of the overall risk management process. This intermediate to advanced tutorial provides a concise review of current methods of drug safety signal detection for marketed products and the role of signal detection within the larger signal and risk management process. Emphasis is on practical pragmatic approaches. Outputs from quantitative signal detection will be the basis for a hands-on exercise and discussion. The tutorial also provides participants with the context to evaluate new research in the field.


This tutorial is designed for members of clinical safety and pharmacovigilance organizations who oversee, manage, or perform signal detection activities.  The tutorial will also benefit participants who make risk management decisions based on signal detection results.


  • Identify strengths and limitations of methods for signal detection;
  • Interpret outputs from automated quantitative signal detection methods (data mining results);
  • Discuss how to integrate signal detection methods into the larger signal and risk management process;
  • Describe emerging methods for signal detection.

