
DIA’s Canadian Pharmacovigilance and Risk Management Strategies Conference is the premier place to hear from expert pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and regulatory personnel about Global Regulatory Guidance Document updates (pharmacovigilance, risk management, and drug safety), gain new perspectives from the Inspectorate, and discuss patient support programs and PV responsibilities. Join in on an exclusive session with the Canadian regulator, touching on a host of current topics including the management of Canada Vigilance Adverse Reaction Online Database duplicate safety reports.
On-Demand Complimentary Webinar
Plain Language Labeling for Over-the-Counter Drugs: Implementing Health Canada’s Guidance for Industry
This webinar will review Health Canada’s requirements for Plain Language Labeling for over-the-counter medicines. Presenters will walk through key recently finalized and revised guidance documents to help industry comply with these requirements and identify strategies to help industry add Drug Facts Tables to packaging while minimizing the need for packaging increases. Register today!
DIA's Canadian Health Care Content Roundup
NEW! This year DIA's Canadian Pharmacovigilance and Risk Management Conference will be co-located with the DIA Canadian Annual Meeting. Maximize your education and time by attending both!
While our conference is currently in development, check out last year’s program to see what’s in store!
View Program.
Want to learn more about Canadian Pharmacovigilance and Risk Management Strategies Conference? You've come to the right site!
Rita Cassola, RPh Executive Director PV
Certus PV Services Inc, Canada -
Marcia Bailey, BSN, MHS, RN Safety Evaluation and Risk Management Scientific Director
GSK, Canada -
Colin D'Cunha, MD, MHS, FRCPC Director, Global Medical Affairs
Apotex Inc., Canada -
Ljubica Ivanisevic, PhD Scientific Evaluator
Health Canada, Canada -
Marc Poitras, PhD, MBA Scientific Manager, Marketed Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Bureau
Health Canada, Canada