DIA Global Center

2017 年 10 月 02 日 8:15 上午 - 2017 年 10 月 03 日 4:30 下午

21 Dupont Circle NW, Suite 300, Washington, DC 20036

Advanced Signal Detection - Tools, Triage, Evaluation, and Escalation


Please take note this course is full and is not accepting further registrations. 

Effective safety signal detection and management incorporates pharmacovigilance, information technology, medical, regulatory, and governance activities.  Biopharmaceutical sponsors are expected to identify safety issues via analysis of all information available to them. As the amount of data has grown, so have tools and strategies to manage safety signals. Each data source and analytic strategy has inherent strengths and limitations. An understanding of these factors is a prerequisite for an effective system of signal triage, prioritization, evaluation and decision-making. This advanced level course will present signal detection and management in the framework of regulatory compliance as well as risk management and risk communication strategies. Outputs from signal detection systems will be the basis for hands-on practical exercises and discussions.


  • Create an efficient, compliant, multidisciplinary process for signal detection and management
  • Integrate data mining within an overall system of product safety risk management
  • Read and interpret outputs from automated data mining analyses
  • Prioritize and evaluate signals from all sources (including data mining)
  • Understand how regulatory authorities use data mining to monitor product safety


This course is designed for members of clinical safety and pharmacovigilance organizations who oversee, manage, or perform signal detection activities. The course will also benefit participants who make risk management decisions based on signal detection including professionals who work in:

  • Clinical safety and pharmacovigilance
  • Pharmacoepidemiology
  • Regulatory affairs
  • Benefit-risk management
  • Information technology supporting pharmacovigilance activities
  • Project management


At the conclusion of this course, participants should be able to:

  • Lead the implementation of an integrated signal detection and management project
  • Identify strengths and limitations of specific data sources and methods for signal detection and evaluation
  • Interpret outputs from automated quantitative signal detection methods (data mining results) 
  • Discuss setting up triage and prioritization procedures for safety signals
  • Apply structured medical assessment to safety signal evaluation
  • Design governance processes for signal escalation, decision-making, action and communication
  • Integrate safety signal management into overall risk management
  • Anticipate regulatory responses to data mining results

Digital Learning Catalog

DIA Learning: eLearning Soultions

