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Preconference Short Courses

All short courses require and additional fee

Looking for more learning opportunities or can’t attend the full forum? Consider registering for one of our preconference short courses to gain in-depth learning with expert instructors in a smaller, more intimate setting of your peers.

Short Courses are designed to enhance your knowledge in a broad or specific area for your day-to-day job function. Many of the courses offered are modeled off of and modified from a full DIA training. Short Courses are an additional fee to the meeting registration cost.

March 18

  • Medical Communications Primer: The Fundamentals of Medical Communications


    This workshop will address many of the common responsibilities of medical communications staff and dig deeper into challenging aspects of each role. This activity is specifically designed to meet the needs of individuals new to biopharmaceutical industry-based medical communications. Many times, their understanding is limited to only their own company’s SOPs and “way of doing things.” In this activity, you will learn and discuss important skill sets that provide value to both internal and external customers and compare these across companies. These include activities such as identifying the critical steps that a medical communications professional should take when receiving an inquiry, evaluating the sources of information/data, and the importance of fair balance and documenting responses.

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  • March 19

    • Medical Communications: Compliance in 2018


      Whether you have been in medical communications for a few months or a few decades, this short course will provide an overview of what policies, procedures, and programs medical communications departments should consider implementing to help ensure compliance and mitigate risk. This will be an interactive course with opportunity for discussion and questions.

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    • Advertising, Promotion, and Scientific Content Review Process


      This course will discuss the basics of advertising and promotion regulation (including scientific content) and then explore how to create an effective and agile system (people, process, technology, and training) to support content development, review, and management. We’ll explore how to use risk and brand maturity assessments to reduce review complexity and streamline processes for time sensitive materials.

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    • Wearing Multiple Hats with Style: How to Effectively Manage Your Medical Writing Projects


      This workshop will incorporate the Drug Information Association Medical Writing Competency model and include breakout sessions to brainstorm and discuss approaches to the writing project life cycle. This workshop is appropriate for new medical writers or other individuals who wish to further develop their project management skills.

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