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VIP Guest Invites Program

You've been invited to visit an Exhibiting Company at DIA 2023

Discounted Attendee Registration

To register as a DIA 2023 attendee for $100 off the registration rate, please use the DIA 2023 Promo Code beginning with VIP.

The DIA 2023 Attendee Registration includes admission to sessions Monday through Thursday, access to the Exhibit Hall, refreshment breaks, luncheons, and six months of free access to all available online presentation slides.

Promo code discount will show once you get to the payment information page of the checkout process.

Exhibit Hall Day Pass

To register for a one day exhibit hall only access badge* at DIA 2023, please use the Exhibit Hall Day Pass Promo Code beginning with HALL.

The Exhibit Hall Day Pass includes full day access to the Exhibit Hall from 11:30AM-6:15PM on Monday, 9:30AM-5:00PM on Tuesday, or 9:30AM-4:00PM on Wednesday with morning and afternoon refreshments. Lunch is not included.

Promo code discount will show once you get to the payment information page of the checkout process.
*The one day exhibit hall only access badge is not to be used by exhibiting companies wishing to send additional staff for their booth.

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