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Join us for the opening plenary: “Revolutionizing Life Sciences: How Diversity, Innovation, and AI are Accelerating the Future of Health”

Led by Junaid Bajwa, MD, this plenary will illuminate major disruptors in our industry and their impact on clinical development. Attendees can expect a lively and engaging discussion, with a diverse range of perspectives and insights from panelists who are luminaries at the forefront of our industry.

As key themes in our 2023 meeting, we will shine the light on our progress in three key areas:

GAM 2023

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Clinical Trials and Research:

What are the current efforts to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in clinical research from a global perspective?

DIA 2023

Foundational Models:

How might they disrupt our industry, and how we can harness their power to bring equity, efficiency and benefit to patients?

DIA 2023

Innovative Therapies:

The future of personalized and precision health.

Keynote Speaker and Moderator

Dr. Junaid Bajwa

Junaid Bajwa, MD


Amir Kalali

Amir Kalali, MD

Najat Khan

Najat Khan, PhD

Isaac Kohane

Zak Kohane, PhD

Armen Mkrtchyan

Armen Mkrtchyan, PhD

DIAmond Sessions

DIA 2023

Navigating the Constellation of Efforts to Increase Representation in Clinical Research

DIA 2023

Full Exposure: Artificial Intelligence to Advance, Replace, and Add Efficiency for Patient Benefit

DIA 2023

A Case Study for Illumined Therapeutic Development: Shining the Light on ALS


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