メニュー 戻る Guidelines

Abstract Submission Guidelines

Please read the following instructions carefully; incorrect or incomplete abstracts will not be considered.

  1. All abstracts must be submitted online to DIAglobal.org/Abstract. The deadline for abstract submissions is October 11, 11:59PM ET. This deadline will not be extended.
    Please note: once on the DIA abstract submission homepage, you must select the DIA 2023 Call for Abstracts General Session link.
  2. Submitted abstracts must not overtly endorse or recommend a specific product or service. To review DIA’s Policy Concerning Promotion of Products and Services from the Podium at DIA-sponsored Programs, click here.
  3. Proposed abstract title must reflect the abstract content accurately and concisely.
  4. Co-presenters, including Co-chairs, will not be allowed. DIA does not allow more than one participant from the same company to present within the same program offering (this includes Session Chairs and speakers).
  5. The abstract author is considered the session chair and will be responsible for the following:
  6. If chairing a program offering:
    • Recruiting speakers and ensuring good representation/diversity in the selection of speakers Please note: No more than one participant from the same company is permitted to speak within the same program offering; the Annual Meeting has a global focus, and therefore we encourage global perspectives
    • Communicating with speakers regarding their role and reviewing presentation materials
    • Managing the program offering, including the facilitation of audience questions and answers
  7. At the time of submitting a session or forum abstract, please indicate at least one individual who will be invited to participate in the offering in the abstract text section of the abstract. Please do not extend an invitation until a formal response from DIA has been received.
  8. If leading a workshop: Ensuring the workshop provides onsite learning in the form of activities or demonstrations
    • Ability to facilitate 75-100 attendees for a workshop
    • Preparing and delivering a PowerPoint presentation

    Notification Date

    Submitters will be notified of the status of each abstract by the end of January 2023. Please note that DIA and the DIA AMPC have the right to request authors to revise abstracts. Potential revisions include direction of topic, blending with another submission, or revising the proposed level of difficulty.

    Types of Abstracts

    There are three types of abstracts you can submit for the Global Annual Meeting, including a session, forum, or workshop. Each abstract type is defined herein and has its own format and structure and cannot be altered. You may submit more than one abstract.

    • Session: A 60-minute session concept delivered lecture-style from the podium. *
    • Forum: A 60-minute concept designed for panel interaction and attendee engagement. *
    • Workshop: A 60-minute workshop delivered in an interactive/simulation or roleplaying format.
      • A limited number of workshops will be selected as 90-minute “solution rooms,” providing a neutral forum for open discussion, focusing on specific topics relevant to the DIA community to explore. Solution rooms encourage debate, sharing of diverse viewpoints, and delving into new ideas and solutions, with the goal of a summary document, publication, framework, or other tool that is published by DIA and shared with meeting attendees and DIA membership. *
    • Short Course: A “hands-on”, interactive learning experience for a group of 25-50.
      • A half-day short course consists of three hours and 15 minutes of instruction, and will have a lead instructor and no more than one co-instructor
      • A full-day short course consists of six hours and 30 minutes of instruction and the short course will have a lead instructor and no more than two co-instructors

    * Helpful Hint! Plan your submission separately and in advance by using the following templates:

    Speaker Considerations

    • Please make note of any identified speakers attached to your abstract within the text portion of your submission.
    • Speakers of selected abstracts must complete a disclosure form to be confirmed for a session.
    • Abstract submission topics cannot be changed by submitters after the review and selection process without approval of the DIA administrators and/or the Annual Meeting Program Committee.
    • DIA reserves the right to revise titles or combine abstracts for selected session content.
    • Selected speakers for educational sessions will receive a discounted registration rate for the meeting.

    Submit General Abstract for DIA 2023

    Registration Rates

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