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Program Requirements

General Program Guidelines/Program Participant Recruitment and Support



    • DIA meetings will be educational, not commercial and promotional. All speakers MUST ensure that their presentation is not of a commercial or promotional nature.
    • For-profit organizations or industry, logos are no longer permitted to be included in slide presentations per ACCME Standards for Commercial Support. In addition, speaker clothing may not carry logos or other company-specific emblems. All participants must follow the DIA Policy Concerning Promotion of Products and Services from the Podium.
    • DIA does not permit video recording of live sessions.

    Program Participant Recruitment

    • Due to the large size and scale of the Global Annual Meeting, it is highly recommended that each session has only ONE Session Chair. To discuss further, please contact DIA at
    • DIA does not allow more than one participant from the same company to present within the same program offering (this includes Session Chairs and speakers). Should you believe that having more than one participant from the same company is crucial to your session’s success, requests for session participants, from the same company, may be submitted to DIA, at, for consideration. Please note: limiting the number of speakers from the same company is a Continuing Education best practice and mitigates perceived bias from within the audience.
    • Speakers are not permitted to invite co-presenters.
    • Session Chairs must ensure good representation/diversity in the selection of speakers/panelists. If applicable, government, academia, patient/patient advocate, CSO, and/or industry perspectives should be represented.
    • When selecting speakers, please note that the DIA Global Annual Meeting has a global focus, and therefore the program offering should be globally oriented.
    • If your session format requires presentations, DIA recommends planning 15-20 minute talks within sessions. E.g. for a 60-minute didactic session: Two minutes to introduce the session, three talks at 20 minutes each (42 minutes) leaving 15 minutes for Q&A. Note: The Q&A portion of the session is very important to our audience.

    Inviting Regulatory Agency Speakers

    • Individuals from the following regulatory organizations may NOT be contacted directly to participate: FDA, EMA, European Commission/EU, MHRA, PMDA, and NPMA. Per regulatory agency policy, DIA is to officially request the participation of speakers from these organizations. The session chair is to provide DIA with the requested speaker’s name and topic to be presented as early as possible to ensure the best opportunity for receiving approval from the respective agency. Agency approval can take anywhere from 6-8 weeks depending on when the request is received. Speakers from other organizations not indicated above may be contacted directly by the session chair.
    • Meeting registration fee is waived for is waived for non-US confirmed full-time regulatory agency speakers.
    Note: DIA’s support policy may be subject to change.


    • Chairs and Speakers are eligible to register for the Global Annual Meeting at a discounted rate. Please reference acceptance notification for more details.
    • Full-time government/regulatory agency (except for FDA - the Ethics Committee requires FDA employees to register for the meeting at the applicable rate if they wish to attend the full meeting), full-time academic, and nonprofit employees (with 501[c] 3 status) from patient-focused organizations, may receive complimentary registration if they are awarded travel support to the Global Annual Meeting.


    • Eligible supported speakers include full-time government/regulatory agency employees. Full-time academic and not-for-profit (with 501[c] 3 status) employees will be considered if budget allows. All requests for support must be sent to DIA for approval before Session Chairs/speakers/panelists are invited and before the program offering is developed.
    • Supported speakers will receive round-trip coach/economy airfare or train fare (arranged through the DIA travel agent only), plus two nights’ hotel room and tax at one of the DIA contracted hotels, and a per diem of up to $50 per-day for up to three days to cover food and miscellaneous expenses. Reasonable expenses for local transportation and airport parking costs will be covered outside of the per diem. DIA will not reimburse for car rental or limousine car service. Receipts must be submitted at time of reimbursement.
    • o The meeting registration fee is waived for confirmed supported speakers. Please contact DIA staff at with any questions regarding status.

Registration Rates

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