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Exhibitor Resource Center

as of May 15, 2019

Exhibit Personnel Registration

The deadline to register your exhibit staff is Thursday, June 20, 2019. Registrations and changes after this date will need to be processed onsite in San Diego.

Badge Allotments - Each 10x10 booth includes 1 full meeting and 3 booth personnel badges (a 10x20 would include 2 full meeting and 6 booth personnel badges, and so on). Innovator Hub Booths include 2 booth personnel badges. Certain exhibitor marketing opportunities include additional booth personnel badges as well. 

Once you’ve used up your allotment, additional staff would need to register as attendees for the meeting at the appropriate registration rate. DIA does not sell additional booth personnel badges.

Click here for DIA's Manage My Exhibits portal to register your staff online (primary or secondary contact DIA login required).

Register Personnel

