Megan Bettle
Director, Centre for Regulatory Excellence, Statistics and Trials
Regional Editor Global Forum
In your opinion, what is the greatest challenge in your field?
Science and technology are continually evolving and advancing. It can be challenging to make sure that your regulatory system is flexible enough to be able to adapt to new technologies while still providing essential protections for citizens.
What do you like most and least about your job?
Over the past several years, I have had opportunities to build networks across the Canadian regulatory and healthcare systems, and we have built important processes to support patients getting access to the treatments they need. I also work with fantastic dedicated and hard-working people, who are really dedicated to the work they do. I love to be busy and work on many things at once, but sometimes I wish I had just a little more time to sit and think and write.
What book are you currently reading and why?
I’m currently reading the Harry Potter series in French. I’m getting ready for my next set of language exams (I have to maintain a certain level for my position), and it helps to read in French as much as possible but not have it be too hard.
What advice would you give your younger self about to enter the “real world?”
That there are all sorts of interesting science jobs! I had gone along a very traditional academic path in lab-based research until I joined Health Canada. Since then I have done all sorts of interesting regulatory policy and science work. When I was a post-doc, I had no idea that such jobs existed.
What would you like to see DIA do for you in the future?
I would like DIA to continue to be a good resource for information about the global picture of drug regulation.