
Noriaki Murao

Short Term Consultant, World Health Organization, Western Pacific Region
DIA Fellow

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In your opinion, what is the greatest challenge in your field?

The development and implementation of pharmaceutical legislation in emerging countries.

What in your opinion is the biggest gap between research and practice in your field?

With new drug development, the probability of success for commercialization is extremely low.

What do you like most and least about your job?

I am currently working at the Department of Health and Social Affairs in the Federated States of Micronesia, which is a small and poor country (only 100,000 population) in the Pacific Ocean. A hot topic is substandard and counterfeit medicines in Asian and Pacific Island countries. I would like to work on how we can eliminate such medicines in these countries.

What book are you currently reading and why?

I am currently reading a book about the history of WWII in the Pacific Ocean.

What advice would you give your younger self about to enter the "real world?"

In our generation, you could survive if you became an expert in one area only, but today you should become an expert in multiple areas because job opportunities will be varied time by time.

Imagine a day without work, the internet, and any other obligations. What would you do?

I would cook my favorite dishes and invite my good friends for dinner.

How has DIA helped you?

I obviously enjoy networking and obtaining updates and hot information.

Noriaki Murao is an independent regulatory consultant who spent four decades working in new drug development in national and global companies such as Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. and Aventis. While conducting clinical research in Germany, he was invited to the DIA EuroMeeting and to serve on the DIA Steering Committee for Europe. These experiences helped support the growth of DIA Japan upon his return: He served as speaker, chairperson, and on the program committee for numerous DIA Japan meetings, and has contributed as a chairperson and speaker to the DIA EuroMeeting and Global Annual Meeting. In 2015, Murao was recognized as a Fellow of DIA. He earned his BS and MS degrees in Pharmacy from Fukuoka University and Kyushu University.

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