Track 12: Value and Access
The healthcare landscape is evolving into one assessed on value, and there is a need to understand the impact of this movement on all stakeholders – providers, payers, biopharma, and ultimately patients. The Value and Access track will bring together global regulators, industry leaders, patients, and payers who will facilitate discussions and address questions such as:
- What information and evidence is being used to define value?
- Who is making or influencing access decisions?
- How can real-world data be leveraged to drive access to medicines?
- What are the regulatory and legal considerations surrounding value-based contracting conversations with payers?
Sessions in Value and Access
Sunday, June 24 | Short Courses
- The Evolving Role of Payers in Drug Development: Pricing, Pharmacoeconomics, and Health Technology Assessment
- Value Pricing Bootcamp: A Crash Course in How to Use Real World Evidence to Better Measure Outcomes and Evaluate New Innovative Therapies
Monday, June 25
- Contracting for Value: From Outcomes-Based Contracts to Bundled Payment Programs: What’s Working and Why
- Real World Evidence for Value and Access
- Unmet Medical Need: Diversity of Definitions and Viewpoints – Detangling the Challenge
Tuesday, June 26
- Early HTA Scientific Advice: Does it Improve Internal Company Decision-Making and Ensure Predictability of HTA Outcome?
- Developing and Partnering on Evidence for Outcomes and Value Assessment: Standardizing Measurement for Patient-Centered Care
- Medical Monitoring in Non-Interventional Studies: Need for Medical Leadership and Study Primary Care Management
- Sustainable Healthcare Funding
- Unmet Medical Need: Can the Stakeholders Align? Progress to Date
Wednesday, June 27
- Operationalizing Real World Evidence and Value
- Biosimilar Interchangeability: A Global Perspective
- The Impact of Cell and Gene Therapy on the Payer System
- Unmet Medical Need: Path Forward – Creating a Commonly Agreed Criteria Globally

Thursday, June 28
Who is This Track Designed For?
Professionals involved in: Health economics outcomes, statistics, data modeling, clinical research, post-marketing, regulatory affairs, and health economy.