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Networking at DIA 2018

Join the 6,000+ attendees for our multiple networking opportunities at this year's meeting!

The DIA 2018 Global Annual Meeting is the perfect place to engage with 6,000+ attendees through our multiple networking opportunities!

  • Community Service Opportunity

    Sunday, June 24 | 3:00-6:00PM

    Boston Cares

    Catch up with old friends and make new ones while helping out a great cause! This year, DIA is partnering with Boston Cares for a community service opportunity to benefit Mather Elementary School.
    As a volunteer, you will create a periodic table by labeling and painting small canvas squares, which will ultimately be hung in Mather Elementary School, a K-5 school within the Boston Public School System, serving approximately 600 students from diverse backgrounds. Click here to learn more about this project.

    This opportunity is currently full. Add your name to the waitlist here and if a spot opens up, we will reach out to those on the waitlist.

  • Sunday Social Happy Hour

    Sunday, June 24 | 5:00-7:00PM

    DIA 2018

    Practice your networking skills at The Social Register! Located in the seaport neighborhood inside the Aloft Hotel, DIA attendees can enjoy a 15% discount on all food items on Sunday, June 24, 5:00-7:00PM. Click here to learn more about this fun high-society themed venue.

    This opportunity is open to all DIA Attendees. To take advantage of the special discount, attendees must present their badge when greeted by their Social Register host.

  • CISCRP Medical Heroes Appreciation 5K

    Monday, June 25 | 6:30-8:15AM

    The Center for Information and Study of Clinical Research Participation (CISCRP), will be hosting a Medical Heroes Appreciation 5K Run and Walk in Boston to celebrate the volunteers who give the gift of participation in clinical research. Proceeds from the event will support education and outreach programs to patients and families interested in learning more about the clinical research process.

    If you have not yet registered for the 5K, you can still do so here or through the CISCRP website.

  • Boston Red Sox Game

    Tuesday, June 26 and Wednesday, June 27 | 7:10PM

    Red Sox

    The Boston Red Sox will be in town for two evening games during DIA 2018, and Fenway has blocked a dedicated seating area for DIA attendees for both games! 

    Tickets are SOLD OUT!

  • Annual Meeting Orientation

    Monday, June 25 | 7:30-8:15AM

    First time at the DIA Annual Meeting? We encourage you to attend the Annual Meeting Orientation to learn how to make the most of your time at the meeting and meet fellow first-timers.

  • DIA Welcome Reception

    Monday, June 25 | 4:30-6:00PM | Exhibit Hall

    Network with 6,000+ attendees and more than 400 exhibiting companies at the DIA Opening Reception, held in the Exhibit Hall.

  • DIA Communities Luncheon

    Tuesday, June 26 | 12:00-1:30PM | Ballroom Lobby

    DIA Members stay connected even after a meeting ends. Keep up-to-date on hot topics and Community-generated content and get engaged, driving insights into action and evolving your field of work. Attend the DIA Community Luncheon to learn about the DIA Communities and their members.

  • Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research (NIBR) Campus Visit

    Tuesday, June 26 | 2:30-5:00PM | Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research (NIBR) Campus | Cambridge, MA

    During the DIA 2018 Global Annual Meeting, DIA is partnering with Novartis to provide emerging young professionals and Annual Meeting attendees with an opportunity to visit Novartis NIBR Research and Development site in Cambridge, MA. Advanced registration is required. Space is limited, and interested individuals are encouraged to register early.
    The deadline to register is June 18! Reserve your place today!

  • Community Zone

    NE Lobby B

    Throughout the week, Communities will have round table discussions to continue the conversation about specific sessions or presentations. A schedule of discussions will be posted in the Community Zone.

  • Refreshment Breaks

    North Lobby and Exhibit Hall

    Meet with your colleagues to plan your day and discuss what you learned the previous day, all while networking with other attendees each morning in the North Lobby of the Convention Center. Mid-morning and mid-afternoon breaks will also be held in designated areas of the Exhibit Hall.

  • Extended Luncheon Hours

    Exhibit Hall

    Enjoy extended luncheon hours Monday-Wednesday and visit more than 400 exhibiting companies in the Exhibit Hall.

Registration Rates

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