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Short Courses

Receive $100 off of your DIA 2018 Meeting registration by registering for two half-day short courses or one full-day short course. Purchases must be made at the same time in order to receive the discount.

Short Courses are designed to enhance your knowledge in a broad or specific area for your day-to-day job function. Short Courses are an additional fee to the meeting registration cost.

  • Full Day

    Back to the Future: Combination Products in the 21st Century

    June 24 | 9:00AM-5:00PM

    As technology advances, so do opportunities for combining different technologies to solve some of the world’s most pressing medical issues. The lines between engineering, chemistry, and advanced biologic processes are becoming blurred – the age of combination products is here.

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    Smart, Innovative, Risk-based Auditing: Shifting the Paradigm

    June 24 | 9:00AM-5:00PM

    ICH E6 R2 states it loud and clear - “the scale, complexity, and cost of clinical trials have increased. Evolution in technology and risk management processes offer new opportunities to increase efficiency and focus on relevant activities.” Time to revise your audit strategy! Join us as we develop audit plans that address quality in a targeted, efficient, nimble, calculated, and risk-based manner. Learn to use technology to circumvent governmental travel advisories, weather hazards, resource limitations (auditors, time, and budget), etc., without sacrificing audit goals. Garner the experience and expertise of department heads from Data Management, Clinical Operations, Information Technology, etc,. to fulfill technical assessment/oversight requirements. A wide range of audit types [vendor qualification/re-assessment (CROs, pharmacovigilance, eCOA vendors, etc.), investigator sites, internal process audits (when the department is off-site), trial master files, GLP, etc.] will be discussed.

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