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Student Opportunities

Looking for ways to leverage your education and land a career in the life sciences industry? Then you must attend DIA 2016.

For only $250 (early bird rate until June 17) or $400 (standard rate), you can attend DIA 2016, packed with 175+ educational offerings over 22 tracks on today’s hottest topics. It is our largest interdisciplinary event, bringing together a global network of 7,000+ life sciences professionals from industry, academia, regulatory and government agencies, and patient and philanthropic organizations from around the globe, to foster innovation in the discovery, development, and life cycle management of health care products.

Student Offerings

Student Registration

Eligibility Requirements:

Students eligible for reduced membership and registration rates must provide documentation of enrollment of at least 12 undergraduate hours or 9 graduate hours annually in a degree or certificate granting academic program in an accredited academic institution, whose content is consistent with the mission of DIA. Students who are currently employed full time are not eligible.

Student Group Discounts Available!

Register 10 from your university and receive the 11th FREE!

Contact if you have any questions about eligibility and registration details.

Registration Form

Hear from other students!

As a student, the DIA annual meeting provided a truly excellent perspective on industry and a fantastic networking opportunity.
Jeromie Ballreich
Johns Hopkins University

A great opportunity for PhD students to get in touch with the Industry and to get to know the Industry´s point of view.
Elena Olariu
Parc de Recerca Biomedica de Barcelona

DIA is one of the best meetings to network with colleagues in pharmacy.
Rania Al dweik
University of Ottawa

