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Program Development Guidelines

  8. PROGRAM COMPONENT DESCRIPTIONS (Session, Forum, Symposium, Workshop)

Announce Your Participation

You are DIA’s Superconnectors! Please be sure to share information about the meeting on your Twitter feed and on LinkedIn.  When posting, be sure to refer to #DIA2016, DIA’s selected hashtag for the event.  Using the hashtag in your posts creates a viewable thread of references. Let’s get that conversation going!

Images are available to help you get started.

Post the DIA 2016 Annual Meeting details to your company’s event page.

  • DIA 2016 is the premier event for our association, bringing together 7,000 attendees from government, industry, academia, patient organizations, and health care providers worldwide. Add a banner to your email signature to promote your presence
  • Upload a banner to your blog
  • Place the banner on your website and link to
Right click the banner graphic below you wish to use and save picture/image as a GIF file. Depending on the browser being used, you may need to change the “save as type” to “all files” and manually change the file extension to .gif.

NA_16001 Speakers Badge


Please link banners to the DIA 2016 Annual Meeting website:

Chair Responsibilities*

*Inclusive of Session, Forum, Workshop, and Symposium
  • Maintain communication with Track chair(s) and DIA regarding the development of your session, workshop, forum or symposium.
  • Review items General Program Guidelines/Speaker Recruitment and Program Component Descriptions as you begin the development of the program offering and the recruitment of speakers.
  • Adhere to DIA Annual Meeting deadlines and assist DIA in ensuring that all speakers meet their deadlines.  
    • All confirmed speakers and participants of the Annual Meeting program must complete Speaker Disclosure and Authorization for Use of Presentation Materials.  Refer to Requirements for Program Participants for more information.
    • All presentations must be submitted by the established designated deadline to DIA’s presentation management system (EP@C).
  • Maintain close working relationship with speakers as they develop their presentation.  
    • Communicate with track chairs to ensure that the content being developed matches their vision.
    • Meet with speakers well before the offering via teleconference and/or email. 
    • Provide speakers with learning objectives and difficulty level.
    • Request and review speaker’s draft outline of presentation.
    • Ensure there is no overlap of content between speakers.
    • Encourage speakers to attend one (1) speaker webinar; schedule to be announced.
    • Advise speakers that their presentation must not be commercial or promotional, and speaker clothing may not carry logos or other company-specific emblems.
  • Attend one (1) Chair or Speaker Webinar, schedule to be announced.
  • Review and approve speaker presentations after they have been submitted to DIA’s presentation management system (EP@C) to confirm that each presentation:  
    • Does not include the presenter’s company logo anywhere in the presentation if the speaker represents a commercial entity.
    • Meets the content level criteria designated for the offering.
    • Fits within the written offering overview.
    • Helps meet the learning objectives outlined for the offering.
    • Is non-commercial, objective, fairly balanced, and otherwise adheres to the DIA Policy Concerning Promotion of Products and Services from the Podium.
    • Does not overlap with others, and, if it does, consider modifying the overlapping presentations to avoid redundancy.
  • During the activity:  
    • Maintain timing of each presenter and allow ample time for questions and answers from the audience.
    • Ensure all presenters properly use the podium microphone and laptop provided.
    • Prepare sample questions for your offering to engage audience participation.
  • Please note that there will be limited internet connectivity available in the room. If you require internet in your program offering, please let us know and we will approve it on a case-by-case basis.

Continuing Education Guidelines/Disclosure Questions and Answers:

  • All presentations are to be fair balanced and free of commercial bias.
  • All offerings must have at least two (2) learning objectives that clearly indicate what participants will be able to do after attending the session.
  • All program participants in a position to control content (this includes program chair and committee members, track chairs, program offering chairs, speakers, and panelists) must provide DIA with any relevant financial relationships they have with the manufacturer of products or services as discussed within their presentation or with regard to the content of the program offering/meeting (for those who are not speaking). If a program participant has a conflict of interest as a result of the financial relationship, this will need to be resolved prior to the meeting. Note: For more information on disclosure, please Disclosure Questions and Answers below as well as Requirements for Program Participants.
  • If a program participant does not provide disclosure to DIA, he/she will not be permitted to participate in the meeting.
  • When discussing therapeutic options, it is DIA’s preference that only generic names and not trade names be used.  If it is necessary to use trade names, please use the trade names of all products being discussed.
  • All recommendations involving clinical medicine in a CME session must be based on evidence that is accepted within the profession of medicine as adequate justification for their indications and contraindications in the care of patients.
Disclosure Questions and Answers:
In support of the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE) guidelines, DIA has implemented a policy where anyone in a position to control the content of an educational activity must disclose all relevant financial relationships with any commercial interest. Frequently asked questions regarding participant disclosure and responses are noted below.

Why do volunteers need to disclose? As an accredited provider DIA is required to identify and resolve any conflicts of interest prior to the educational activity taking place. DIA must also provide disclosure information to the participants.

Who needs to disclose? Anyone in a position to control content:  Program chair(s), Track chairs, Program offering chairs, Speakers, Panelists, Authors, DIA staff developing content. (The above are referred to in this document as program participants.)

What needs to be disclosed? All relevant financial relationships between the commercial supporter (if applicable) or manufacturer of services discussed within the activity and/or presentation. Program chairs and track chairs need to provide disclosure related to the development of the activity; program offering chairs, speakers, and authors need to provide disclosure related to the content of their presentation. If a program participant has no financial relationships that also needs to be disclosed.

Does a program participant need to disclose all financial relationships? No, only those that pertain to the content of the educational activity or presentation.

Does a program participant need to disclose the amount of the financial relationship? No.

If a volunteer participates as a program participant in multiple activities, does he/she have to complete a disclosure form for each activity? Yes. The disclosure is pertinent to the content/presentation of the given activity.

Do the new Accreditation Council for Continuing Education (ACCME) Standards affect all DIA activities? Yes. The policies and procedures established to support the ACCME Standards for Commercial Support apply to all DIA continuing education certified activities.

DIA Policy Concerning Promotion of Products and Services from the Podium at DIA-Sponsored Activities:

(January 20, 2015)

DIA encourages the exchange of knowledge and supports the dissemination of information pertaining to the full spectrum of medical product development. DIA does this by providing its members a neutral forum for education and discussion opportunities. Preservation of the neutrality of this forum, fostering collaborative efforts among stakeholders such as academia, contract research organizations, governmental agencies, industry, practitioners, patients and vendors, is essential to the success of DIA. DIA draws a clear distinction between the dissemination of information and outright commercial promotion.

At DIA-sponsored activities, presentations by persons affiliated with organizations or institutions that provide services or products must be limited to scientific, technical or process issues. Presentations should not overtly endorse or recommend a specific product or service. The theme and content of slides, handouts and other presentation aids should not promote a commercial product or service. DIA designated presentation templates will be provided to its presenters. For-profit organizations or industry logos are no longer permitted to be included in slide presentations, per ACCME Standards for Commercial Support. In addition, speaker clothing may not carry logos or other company specific emblems.In this way, DIA activities will be educational, rather than commercial and promotional.

DIA will create and disseminate publicity pertinent to a DIA-sponsored activity. All such publicity will be distributed directly from the DIA Office or its designee. Individuals and organizations can, at their option, make announcements of their participation in DIA-sponsored activities, but should refrain from doing so until confirmation of participation has been received from DIA. Any advertising of participation in a DIA-sponsored activity by an individual or an organization shall not use any copyrighted material from DIA or the DIA trademark unless authorization from DIA has been received.

DIA Membership is encouraged to provide feedback regarding potential violations of this policy. A DIA staff-led investigation utilizing program evaluations and other related tools will be used and appropriate action will be taken if necessary.

General Program Guidelines/Speaker Recruitment:

Below are general guidelines to be followed within each program component:
  • Review Program Component Descriptions.
  • Please note that there will be limited internet connectivity available in the room. If you require internet in your program offering, please let us know and we will approve it on a case-by-case basis.
  • Program participants are responsible for their own travel/hotel expenses.
  • Program participants will receive complimentary registration for DIA 2016 only on the day they are presenting. To attend all days of the meeting, program participants may register at the discounted rate of $295.
  • DIA meetings will be educational, not commercial and promotional. All speakers must ensure that their presentation is not of a commercial or promotional nature. 
  • For-profit organizations or industry logos are no longer permitted to be included in slide presentations, per ACCME Standards for Commercial Support. In addition, speaker clothing may not carry logos or other company-specific emblems. All participants must follow the DIA Policy Concerning Promotion of Products and Services from the Podium.
Speaker Recruitment:
  • Co-chairs or co-presenters for presentations are not permitted.
  • More than one participant from the same company in component is not permitted. No exceptions will be made.
  • Chairs must ensure good representation/diversity in the selection of speakers/panelists. If applicable, government, academia, CSO, and/or industry perspectives should be represented. 
  • When selecting speakers, please note that the DIA 2016 has a global focus, and therefore the program offering should be globally oriented.
  • All program offerings are limited to a total of three participants. Additional participants may be added on a case-by-case basis, with approval from DIA. Adhering to these and other program development guidelines will help ensure the success of the program offering.
Inviting Regulatory Agency Speakers:  
  • Individuals from the following regulatory organizations may not be contacted directly to participate: FDA, EMA, EU, MHRA, CFDA, and Health Canada. Per regulatory agency policy, DIA is to officially request the participation of speakers from these organizations. The chair is to provide DIA with the requested speaker’s name and topic to be presented as early as possible to ensure the best opportunity for receiving approval from the respective agency.
  • Speakers from other organizations not indicated above may be contacted directly by the component chair.
  • Meeting registration fee is waived for confirmed full-time regulatory agency speakers.
Speaker Support Eligibility:
  • Each program offering is limited to one supported participant who must be eligible. Eligible supported speakers include full-time government/regulatory agency employees. Full-time academic and not-for-profit (with 501[c]3 status) employees will be considered if budget allows. All requests for support must be sent to the US DIA office for approval before chairs/speakers/panelists are invited and before the program is developed.
  • Supported speakers will receive round-trip coach/economy airfare or train fare (arranged through the DIA travel agent only), plus 2 nights’ hotel room and tax, and a per diem of up to $50 per day for up to 3 days to cover food and miscellaneous expenses. Local transportation and airport parking costs will be covered outside of the per diem if the amount is significant. DIA will not reimburse for car rental or limousine car service. Receipts must be submitted at time of reimbursement.
  • The meeting registration fee is waived for confirmed supported speakers. Please contact DIA staff with any questions regarding status.
Note: DIA’s support policy may be subject to change.
At a Glance: Guidelines for Annual Meeting Program Components
Program Guidelines Session/Symposium Forum Workshop
Length of program offering 75 min. 60 min. 75 min. 60 min. 75 min.
Who is the Chair? Abstract Author or Designee Abstract Author or Designee Abstract Author or Designee Abstract Author or Designee Abstract Author or Designee
Co-Chair / co-presenter permitted? No No No No No
Maximum number of participants 3 3 3 3 3
PowerPoint required Yes Yes No (optional) No (optional) No (optional)
More than one participant from same company/organization permitted No No No No No
Allowable number of permitted participants who require support (see “Speaker Support” above) 1 1 1 1 1
Meeting room setup Theater style Theater style Theater style Theater style Round Tables

Helpful Hints for a Successful Program Participant Experience

Promotion at the Podium:
  • All presentations must be fair, balanced and free of commercial bias.
  • Presentation must not be commercial or promotional
  • Company logo may not be included in presentation.
  • Speaker clothing may not carry logos or other company specific emblems.
During the Offering:
  • Project your voice and speak clearly. Lectern microphone should be placed hands width away and just below your mouth. Face your audience and avoid turning your head away from the microphone.
  • Repeat questions that were asked without the use of a microphone.
  • Turn off mobile devices.
**DIA does not permit video recording of live sessions. If you wish to video record a speaker’s presentation, please contact to make arrangements.


  • Start activity on time. Request to have mobile devices disabled.
  • Ensure the audience can hear your speakers.
  • Remind any speaker or attendee not using the microphone effectively to move closer or reposition the microphone.
  • Provide adequate time for audience question & answer time.
  • Finish on time.
Best Practices Training Available:
  • An onsite Mock Session room is available for those interested in practicing their presentation. There will also be opportunities to receive assistance and feedback on your presentation skills (dates/times to be determined).

Presentation Guidelines

Copyright: In an effort to ensure that you, as the speaker, and DIA are fully compliant with copyright, we ask that you review all of your materials that may need copyright permission. If you already have permission to use these materials, please provide DIA with the source/reference. Copyright permission is a very important issue that DIA takes seriously.

Templates: We request that speakers use the templates that have been provided. The template includes a disclosure page which must remain in the PowerPoint per our accrediting organizations.

EPAC Presentation Management Website: This is where the PowerPoint presentations will be uploaded. Instructions for uploading have been sent to speakers; contact the Annual Meeting team with any questions (

Program Component Descriptions (Session, Forum, Workshop, Symposium)

Please refer to your acceptance email for the type of component of your offering. Adhering to the guidelines included below and other program development guidelines will help ensure the success of the program offering.

Session: Lecture style presentations delivered from podium; may be 60 or 75 minutes. Abstract author is considered the chair and will be responsible for:
  • Adhering to the program development policies and guidelines.
  • Meeting program development timelines.
  • Recruiting speakers and ensuring good representation/diversity in their selection. The program offering is limited to a total of three participants (note: no more than one participant from the same company is permitted). Additional participants may be added on a case-by-case basis, with approval from DIA. When selecting speakers, please note that the DIA 2016 has a global focus, and therefore the program offering should be globally oriented. 
  • Communicating with speakers regarding their role in the session and reviewing presentation materials (note: PowerPoint presentations are required from each speaker).
  • Managing the session, including the facilitation of audience questions and answers from the podium.
Symposium: Comprised of multiple lecture style presentations based on accepted abstracts; may be 60 or 75 minutes. The chair will be responsible for:
  • Adhering to the program development policies and guidelines.
  • Meeting program development timelines.
  • Communicating with speakers regarding their role in the session and reviewing presentation materials (note: PowerPoint presentations are required from each speaker).
  • Managing the session, including the facilitation of audience questions and answers from the podium.
Forum: Designed for panel interaction and attendee engagement; may be 60 or 75 minutes. Abstract author is considered the chair and will be responsible for:
  • Adhering to the program development policies and guidelines.
  • Meeting program development timelines.
  • Recruiting panelists and ensuring good representation/diversity in their selection. The program offering is limited to a total of three participants (note: no more than one participant from the same company is permitted). Additional participants may be added on a case-by-case basis, with approval from DIA. When selecting panelists, please note that the DIA 2016 has a global focus, and therefore the program offering should be globally oriented. 
  • Communicating with panel members regarding their role in the forum and reviewing any presentation materials, although PowerPoint presentations are not required.
  • Managing the forum, including the facilitation of audience questions and answers from the podium.
Workshop: Hands-on learning with a focus on application; may be 75 minutes with a room set up in round tables. Abstract author is considered the chair and will be responsible for:
  • Adhering to the program development policies and guidelines.
  • Meeting program development timelines.
  • Recruiting no more than two facilitators, ensuring good representation/diversity in their selection (note: no more than one participant from the same company is permitted).
  • Ensuring the workshop provides onsite learning in the form of activities or demonstrations, including handouts.
  • Communicating with panel members regarding their role in the forum and reviewing any presentation materials, although PowerPoint presentations are not required.
  • Managing the workshop, which will have limited attendance because of room setup (approximately 75-100 attendees), as well as facilitation of audience questions and answers.

Requirements for Program Participants:

Speaker Disclosure and Authorization for Use of Presentation Materials

Confirmed participants in the Annual Meeting program are required to complete Speaker Disclosure and Authorization for Use of Presentation Materials. Speaker Disclosure and Authorization for Use of Presentation Materials is to be completed through Speakers Corner on the DIA website.

Note: Participants whose abstracts were selected for the program have completed Speaker Disclosure and Authorization for Use of Presentation Materials during the abstract submittal process unless the abstract was submitted by someone else on their behalf.

All participants must also disclose any relevant financial relationship with the manufacturer(s) of any commercial product(s) and/or providers of commercial services discussed in an educational presentation, as well as any discussion of unlabeled or unapproved uses of drugs or devices. Speaker Disclosure and Authorization for Use of Presentation Materials must be completed by all component participants in order to participate in the program. In support of the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE) guidelines, DIA has implemented a policy where anyone in a position to control the content of an educational activity must disclose all relevant financial relationships with any commercial interest. Should a conflict of interest exist as a result of the financial relationship, this must be resolved prior to the activity.

Individuals who do not complete Speaker Disclosure and Authorization for Use of Presentation Materials will be ineligible to participate as a faculty member for this program.

Standard Room Setup/AV Equipment

Please note:
  1. There is WiFi in the Pennsylvania Convention Center, but please contact DIA immediately if internet connectivity is necessary for a presentation.
  2. DIA does not permit video recording of live sessions or speaker presentations.
Standard Meeting Room:
Seating: Theater-style
  • (1) Screen
  • (1) LCD
  • (1) Lectern with wired microphone
  • (1) Laptop* (meeting room laptop will be equipped with Windows and PowerPoint 2010; the use of a personal laptop is not permitted, as it will interfere with audio-visual equipment)
  • (1) Head table/dais, 4 chairs
  • (2) Table microphones. 
  • (2-3) Floor microphones.
Workshop Room:
Seating: (10) Round tables with 8 chairs each
  • (1)   Head table on the floor (no riser) with three chairs
  • (1) Laptop
  • (1) LCD projector 
  • (2) Screens
  • (1) Wireless lavaliere
  • (2) handheld microphones for Q&A in the room
Engage and Exchange Session:
Seating: 50 wheeled chairs for participants
  • (1) Laptop
  • (1) LCD projector 
  • (1) Screen
  • (1) Wireless lavaliere
  • (2) handheld microphones for Q&A in the room
  • (4) whiteboards for the participants

Important Dates for Chairs and Speakers


  • December 23: Notifications to be sent to abstract submitters
  • December 23: Speakers Corner opens for Chairs to confirm title, description, learning objectives and level of difficulty


  • January 18: Chairs to confirm details and speaker names to be included in program content release


  • March 1: Last day to request an FDA speaker


  • April: Speaker webinars available for viewing
  • Late April: PowerPoint templates available, with instructions for uploading presentations
  • Late April: Deadline for information to be included in printed Final Program


  • June 17: Final deadline to upload presentations
  • June 18-24: Review of presentations by chairs and DIA staff. Follow-up with speakers as necessary
  • June 26-30: DIA 2016, Pennsylvania Convention Center, 1101 Arch Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107

