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DIA is Proud to Announce Keynote Speaker: Alexander Tsiaras

Interactive Storytelling and Personal Health Data Drives Unprecedented Patient Empowerment

Monday, June 19 | 3:00-4:30PM

DIA 2017: Driving Insights to Action! 

In medicinal product and device development, personal health data and patient engagement are critical to the long term viability of research. If patients aren’t willing to participate in drug development research or share their data,  the research model falls apart. Additionally, if patients aren’t engaged in participating and staying in clinical studies then there are significant flow on effects to patient recruitment, patient retention, and overall study success. "It is stories that give a soul to our data"- Alexander Tsiaras.

With this realization, Tsiaras created StoryMD. Through a single dashboard, StoryMD collects, stores, organizes, and interprets medical data, turning the statistics of you into the “Story of You” and empowering patients to drive insights into action.

In this keynote, Mr. Tsiaras tells the personal stories of diseases, the power of patient data, and interactive experiences to drive greater patient engagement. He’ll share tales of empowered patients and how they, along with enlightened researchers, drove these insights into action. As described in his Ted Talks, Alexander Tsiaras is the “Digital Age Leonardo da Vinci” ... “His visual storytelling is the perfect marriage of the NIH and Pixar.” - Richard Saul Wurman, Founder of the TED Conferences

Alexander Tsiaras


Read Alexander Tsiaras' Bio


See how visualizing data and storytelling can improve health outcomes. Alexander Tsiaras’ beautiful images and videos have graced the covers of both Time and Nature, engaging people at a visceral level. When these images are made relevant to personal health conditions, they become the “story” of the patient and empower and inspire them to take control of their well-being.

See the award winning images and videos and understand the vision for what comes next:

Alexander Tsiaras’ beautiful images and videos have graced the covers of Time and Nature.

