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Professional & Student Posters at DIA 2017

Professional Posters

Professional PostersProfessional individuals from all fields related to the mission of the DIA are invited to submit a poster to be displayed at the DIA 2017 Annual Meeting in Chicago, IL. The Professional Poster Program is an opportunity for you to present your research to a diverse group of scientific professionals who are actively involved in the discovery, development, and life cycle management of pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, medical devices, and health care related products.

Professional Poster Session Hours

Professional posters will be displayed in the Exhibit Hall of the McCormick Place Convention Center during:

  • Tuesday, June 20, 9:00AM – 5:00PM
  • Wednesday, June 21, 9:00AM – 4:00PM
Accepted Poster Presenters Will Receive the Following:
  • The presenting author will receive a 10% discount off their registration to the DIA 2017 Annual Meeting*
  • Accepted abstracts will have a  display board in the designated poster networking area onsite at the DIA 2017 Annual Meeting in Chicago, IL**
  • Accepted abstracts will be posted on the DIA 2017 Website

Oral Poster Presentations:

A select group of accepted posters will be appointed by the Annual Meeting Program Committee to present their work orally from a podium. Podium presenters will be given 5 minutes to deliver their work in a PowerPoint template provided to them by the DIA Annual Meeting Team. Presentations should include Q&A with the audience.

Questions? Contact

Student Posters

Student Posters

The Student Poster Program is an opportunity for eligible students to present research results to a diverse group of scientific professionals who are actively involved in the discovery, development, and life cycle management of pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, medical devices, and healthcare related products.

Student Poster Session Hours

Student posters will be displayed in the Exhibit Hall of the McCormick Place Convention Center during:

  • Monday, June 19, 10:00AM - 6:00PM
Accepted Poster Presenters Will Receive the Following:
  • Accepted abstracts will have a display board in the designated poster networking area on-site at the DIA Annual Meeting
  • Accepted abstracts will be posted on the DIA 2017 Annual Meeting Website
  • Please note: Accepted poster presenters who do not receive a travel award will need to register at the student rate in order to present at the meeting.
Student Poster Travel Award:

All accepted posters will be eligible for the Student Poster Travel Award.  The Program Committee will select up to 20 poster authors will receive the following:

  • One complimentary meeting registration to attend DIA 2017 for one listed author
  • A maximum of three nights’ hotel accommodations (room and tax only) at the DIA assigned hotel
  • One round trip, coach airline ticket to Chicago, IL
  • Up to $50 per day reimbursement for meeting-related expenses for a maximum of three days
  • One-year student membership to DIA
  • Student Poster Travel Award winners must present their work orally from the podium. Presenters will be given 5 minutes to deliver their work in a PowerPoint template provided to them by the Annual Meeting team. Award winners should be prepared to answer questions from the judges and audience.

Questions? Contact

*The discount will be applied to the presenting author’s registration category, is nontransferable, and cannot be combined with other offers.
**Your session time will be assigned after acceptance of your poster and upon confirmation of your participation.

Registration Rates

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From DIA 2016

DIA 2016 Student & Professional Poster Abstracts

Read the abstracts of student and professional posters presented at this year’s program in our annual August issue addendum.

